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We are here to help
make the invisible visible
We have to believe
in that which we cannot see
to be active creators
of our lived experience
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Poetry in Motion
Sometimes the language we have 
is insufficient to communicate
the depth of our experience
That is where poetry steps in
In the work that I do, Spirit speaks
in symbolism and story
and is anchored in a poem
just for you
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Hi, I’m RizAma

...and this is my story. At the age of 10, I had an unexpected encounter that cracked my world wide open.  My experience of life on Earth had been in the process of plummeting into colder and colder waters.  Despair, insecurity, disconnection, and fear were gaining ahold of my inner world.  Through the process of living, and bumping into various forms of life trauma, I had lost my sense of magic and my yearning to touch the world beyond what was visible. And then, the world beyond what I could see, came out to touch me. . .    I had my first encounter with a spirit, namely one of my guides, but I had no context with which to process or understand this encounter.  What it did nonetheless, was crack the shell of disconnection that was attempting to take hold of me. The next 16 years would have me searching, reading, studying, and asking questions.  Deeply yearning to know and understand more.  My curiosity was only intensified as I grew, with increasing incidences of connection to all sorts of dimensional beings.  As soon as I willingly walked onto my healer's path, the levels of connection became supercharged, I was in need of training. At the age of 25, I moved across the country to the Pacific Northwest, to find my teacher.  Which gratefully I did, and by the age of 26 I was well on my way to initiation, training, and apprenticeship with the Blue Fire Project where my teacher, Dr. Allison Bradley, seamlessly wove the power of deep listening, activated container holding, and shamanism into transformational healing processes that shifted my life entirely. Fast forward 17 years . . .  As the Founding Director and Lead Guide at Full Awakening, I aim to help individuals, couples, and groups heal from the foundational cracks and misguided programming we all carry from experiential, incarnation, generational, and societal wounds. The intention with this work is to help folks live well and have the personal power available to show up fully for life. Now more than ever before, we have the tools, capacity, and desire to heal as individuals and on a planetary scale.  Will you join us?

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Why work with Spirit?

A different approach for changing times

One of the unique ways in which I work is by connecting through meditation with Spirit before the session. I prepare an activated space by bringing in your Light Council, well-ancestors, and guides.


I begin each session by asking them to deliver a reading on how you are doing and to gain insight on any particular topic we are working on or questions you have indicated through your intake form.


This connection with your Light Council remains active throughout the session and they continue to contribute their unique and loving insight to the topics that arise.


Whether or not you have an active and conscious relationship with your Council, working with them directly will strengthen that connection over time and contribute to your ability to feel the truth that you are not alone here.




Choose your own adventure

Intuitive Reading Report


Do you need help navigating a life change or a challenging situation?  An Intuitive Reading Report is an affordable and time effective way to seek support.


Ask up to 3 questions via email and I will do an intuitive reading with your council.  In a response within 1 week, I will provide a poem, commentary, and support materials for integration.

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One week turnaround




Click here to Request an Intuitive Reading Report

Full Session

These full length sessions include a pre-session intuitive reading and the option of asking up to 3 specific questions or topics to be addressed.  You will receive everything offered in the half session plus more!


The beauty of the full length sessions is the opportunity for live guided practice with RizAma.

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90 minutes




Click here to Reserve a time

Facilitator Training 

In our newest offering we are gather cohorts of practitioners and self-healers for an 8 month small group initiation into the world of working with Spirit, intuition, and an activated container. This training program will prepare you for a career in facilitation or help to add a layer of potency to the work that you already do in the world.

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2 classes plus one 1:1 session with Riza each month for 8 months


$2664 total / $333 per month


Click Here to Schedule an Inquiry Call 

Half Session

Sometimes we need a little gentle support and check in. 


These 45 minutes half sessions still include a pre-session intuitive reading and the option of asking for 1 question or topic to be addressed.  You will receive a poem written as an anchor to the reading, transcribed in a post-session email along with notes and support materials.  These sessions can be recorded for later review and integration.

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45 minutes




Click here to Reserve a time

Elemental Foundation Series

If you are interested and ready to entering into a depth- oriented transformational process, the first step is a Elemental Foundations Series where we will commune with the 4 Elements and assess the jewel that is you from every angle.


Four 90 minute Sessions 


$720 / $180 per session


Click Here to Reserve Your Sessions

Discovery Call

Not sure where to begin or what to expect? 


Feel free to sign up for a 30 minute discovery call and I can answer all your questions and help you to clarify what level of support and process you are looking for.


30 minutes




Click Here to Sign Up


A Statement of Values:


We at Full Awakening celebrate diversity in all its forms.  We honor the value and worthiness of all beings and celebrate how the differences in our experiences lead to a richness in our collective story that is precious and irreplaceable.  In this embrace of life-affirming diversity, we intentionally hold spaces that aim to be as unconditionally loving and affirming as possible.  Our stories are a gift and privilege to behold, not an expectation nor a price for entry.  We will hold your stories with grace and respect for you, the beautiful human living this incomparable life.  Please feel invited to share with us if there is anything we could do or say to help you feel our whole-hearted welcome to this space and all it may contain.

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Kari Powell
Founder of Kari Powell Touch

I have relied on Riza professionally for support and guidance and am perpetually wowed at how insightful, capable, and compassionate she can be. She can distill and articulate wisdom with masterful ease—a gift, turbocharged by her whole-heartedness.


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Lee Harris
Founder of Lee Harris Energy

Riz has a power, an integrity and a grace that is admirable and rare in a healer. She supported me and members of my team while we were running a large training event. Her ability to support and hold us through that experience was phenomenal and allowed us to perform to our best. ThAnkyou Riz!

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Steven Washington
Founder of The Steven Washington Experience

Riza is a phenomenal healer. I’ve been blessed enough to receive multiple treatments from her and I’ve never been disappointed.  I’ve always learned more about myself and gained more insights in the process. If you’re looking to do some deep dive spiritual work, Riza provides a safe and supportive space in which to do that.


Feed your Heart

Sign up for our newsletter to stay current on events, classes, and offerings. 

When you sign up for our mailing list, you will also receive a free gift to your email with our most popular mp3 guided meditation, The Completion Meditation.  

Thanks for submitting!

*We will never share your personal information under any circumstances.  Your privacy and trust are of absolute importance to us.

Full Awakening LLC

© 2024 by MaRiza Noyama-Zee

Join me at my Substack, The Well, for free monthly reflections on the Current Themes moving through our community and opportunities to dive deeper!

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